Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wired Campus: Clicker Devices Flunk Test by Giving Perfect�Scores - Chronicle.com

Wired Campus: Clicker Devices Flunk Test by Giving Perfect�Scores - Chronicle.com

Hmm. Guess we don't want to use clickers for the November elections! :-)

Wired Campus: A YouTube for�Documents? - Chronicle.com

Wired Campus: A YouTube for�Documents? - Chronicle.com

Scribd is a site that I'll have to ponder a bit more. It's a document sharing social site complete with categories, most viewed, most popular, most commented, tag clouds, etc.

A few preliminary thoughts:

*Another place to check for plagiarized papers...sigh.

*Class notes generated by professors at other institutions might be good study tools.

*It's going to have the same battle with copyrighted information.

*I'll be interested to see if substantial focused collections begin to surface in the stream of documents.

You might have trouble getting in right now - servers seem to be overloaded.

Digital archiving and future journals

One of the dilemas for archiving journals is the valued-added content that appears on the journal web pages. Portico and various indexes mostly ignore it.
I've subscribed to BBC Music Magazine for years. Recently they've started issuing a monthly digital version. Here's an example:

(Flip back a few pages and look for "click to listen" and video frames...)

It's a pipsqueak compared to the longer print magazine, but it foreshadows what the full journal could become in the future.

Imagine getting your favorite magazine on a lightweight ebook reader with embedded video, audio, links to web pages, etc. on every page.



Sunday, February 3, 2008

Visual Search Startup Takes a Whack at Copyright Issue

Visual Search Startup Takes a Whack at Copyright Issue

eWeek writes about